Improve Your Construction Site Security Using These 10 Top Tips

One of the major sources of loss for construction site owners is theft. In fact it’s a huge problem. In Australia alone according to a recent government survey, 39% of all residential construction site owners have experienced it in one form or another. This could be theft of equipment, stock, or materials. While insurance may offset some of the financials, many uninsured costs have to be covered by the contractor. With this in mind here are ten top tips that contractors can use to improve their construction site security, limit the possibility of theft, and save themselves a whole load of money in the process.

Tip 1 – Run a Risk assessment – Create a construction site security plan identifying potential high risk areas before any job starts

Tip 2 – Assign security responsibilities to individuals – Whether you hire in house security personnel or outsource it to a security company, responsibilities should be assigned early on.

Tip 3 – Encourage security awareness amongst workers – Make workers accountable for aspects of security and actively encourage them to report any potential problems that they find.

Tip 4 – Securing the site – By securing the site perimeter with proper fencing and maintaining a distinctive ‘clear zone’ adjacent to that fencing it makes it less easy for anyone to break in without being spotted.

Tip 5 – Securing all stock – Invest in a lock-up for valuable equipment and materials and make sure that all vehicles are secured at the end of the day.

Tip 6 – Control site entry – Control access to the site by restricting entry to authorised personnel only. Consider limiting vehicle access by providing parking for employees outside of construction area.

Tip 7 – Provide security lighting – Make sure the site is well lit at night particularly in dark recesses and corners to prevent any potential break-ins

Tip 8 – Monitor sub-contractors – Keep a close check on sub-contractors and make sure that they’re kept in the loop about security measures by actively encouraging them to report any potential security problems also.

Tip 9 – CCTV installation – It might be expensive but it can be worth it’s weight in gold, so consider installing it on your premises.

Tip 10 – Roving patrols – Most security companies operate roving patrols whereby they’ll come and check your premises at regular intervals throughout the non-working hours. It can be a cost effective way to protect your premises and one that acts as a deterrent to any potential burglars.

The majority of these construction site security tips can be implemented simply by updating procedures. To help with the remaining points, consider hiring a highly experienced security company such as MA Services Group. We’ve been in the industry for many years and have covered most aspects of security including construction site monitoring. Why not give us a call on 03 9994 4107 and let us give you a free, no obligation quote today.

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