Do I Really Need To Hire Event Security?

Security is undoubtedly a hot topic right now especially with all that’s going on in the world, but is it really necessary for your event? Irrespective of whether it’s a large public event where thousands of people are expected, or a smaller, more intimate public gathering, hiring a security company isn’t always necessary, but it can certainly help your event to run smoothly while reducing the risk of costly damage, unwanted guests, and potential law suits. With this in mind, here are 3 important questions to ask yourself so as to determine the outcome.

Does my event pose any potential security issues?

Consider if your event poses any security issues. This may or may not include factors such as the potential for under age drinking, the potential to buy, sell, or take illicit drugs, the potential for excessive alcohol consumption, the possibility of fights, rioting, looting, vandalism and/or medical emergencies. If the answer is yes to one or more of the above, then you really should consider hiring event security.

Am I expecting a lot of people?

It should be relatively easy to estimate the number of people who are likely to turn up to to your event especially if it’s a ticket only festival or concert. The general rule of thumb is the more people in attendance, the more potential there is for security issues. If you’re still unsure of whether you need security or not, then why not go straight to the source and contact a trusted security company who specialise in events and put the figures to them. Any security company worth their salt should be more than happy to advise and to give you the answer you need.

What type of people are likely to be in attendance?

The type of people in attendance is also likely to affect whether you need security or not and if so, how many security personnel you’re going to need. If for example you’re putting on a rock concert where the guest demographic is likely to be hoards of young male or female students out for a good time, then you’re likely to need security more than if you were putting on an afternoon classical recital, where the demographic is more likely to be middle aged, middle class adults. Clearly this isn’t set in stone and should only be used as a guide but hopefully it gives you some sort of indication.

Organising any event whether it’s large scale or small fry can be a real headache as there are so many elements you’ll need to co-ordinate. Therefore having a trusted company to take care of every aspect of your security is not only likely to alleviate the pressure on you, but you can rest assured knowing that you’ve got it covered. At MA Services Group, we specialise in event security in Melbourne and the surrounding areas. Why not contact us on 03 9994 4107 to see just how we can help you.

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