The Importance Of Static Security Guarding In A Business Environment

Let’s face it, no business can thrive without a safe and secure environment. For this reason, many companies choose to secure their assets and protect their personnel by employing static guards. The reality is however that the term ‘static guard’ doesn’t really befit the nature of the job because a 21st-century security guard is far from static.

Roles and responsibilities

No longer are guards employed to simply sit in a hut controlling entry and exit points. Instead, they often have a multitude of roles and responsibilities. For instance, a highly skilled security guard may be employed not only to control the flow of personnel coming in and out of the building, but also they can be involved in carrying out regular roving patrols, by making sure that premised are secure, doors and windows are locked, and all is as it should be during out of hours time. They may also be responsible for patrolling perimeters and car park areas, monitoring CCTV, and even key holding responsibilities.

Even during normal working hours, specially trained security guards might find themselves conducting meet and greet concierge duties for larger companies by answering telephone calls, taking in parcels and packages, and making sure visitors are escorted to the right areas. This is a far cry from the static guarding of old.

Other duties

As businesses take security very seriously they may also be asked to carry out regular security audits on behalf of the company, by identifying key areas where security can be a problem. This could be anything from making checklists of potential areas where security could be a problem, to full-blown security inspections and report analysis.
In addition to the safety of the workforce, a static security guard may also be responsible for coordinating and carrying out regular fire alarm tests and drills. They may also be responsible for ensuring response times are met. The bottom line is that a ‘static’ security guard can be an essential and valuable part of any business offering a high degree of protection to both assets, location, and the personnel within.

Here at MA Services Group, we supply highly experienced static security guards to businesses, so if you’re thinking of outsourcing your security, then contact us at 1300 020 406 today and talk to our experienced team today. Whether you’re looking for security to cover working hours or a team of guards operating 24 hours a day 7 days a week, then no problem, we’ve got your back covered.

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