For many small business owners burglary is a real threat. In fact on average more than 63,000 businesses fall victim to burglary each and every year. Sadly, as insurance premiums increase and employees leave due to increased security concerns, many small businesses simply don’t survive and many cease trading. So what can you do to ensure that your business doesn’t become part of a statistic? Michael Fraser an ex burglar turned TV presenter gives some solid advice.
“The first thing that a burglar is looking for is weakness. This is the main factor that will attract a burglar to your premises.”
He goes on to say….
“If I look at your business premises and realise that there are valuable or attractive possessions on show, it’s badly secured, there is limited or no lighting and plenty of cover, then the reality is that it’s going to be easy pickings.”
With this in mind, here’s what you can do to make it more difficult for criminals and protect your premises.

Light it up
Don’t forget your shrubbery
Don’t be lax with your locks
Don’t advertise your dog
No cause for alarm!
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