It’s hard to imagine life without the technology that many of us take for granted. Sometimes, however, it’s easy to forget that in order to perform to the best of its ability, technology often needs updating due to its age. This is the same for your security system but unlike an outdated television, failing to update your security system can cost you dearly, both in terms of having your possession stolen and/or harming your loved ones. Older alarm systems are easier for thieves and criminals to disable or hack into which is why ensuring your alarm system is up to date is so important. Although it may seem like yet another expense, failure to update your system could cost you a lot more in the long run. So how do you know if your security system needs an update? Here are a few pointers:
You may not be aware that a security system needs to be regularly tested, and even so, for the most part, alarm systems need to be updated or replaced every 3 to 4 years. If your system is more than 4 years old and you haven’t had it tested recently, then we recommend you have it assessed.
Running on wires
It’s fair to say that most older alarm systems run on wires and use telehone lines to send and receive signals. It’s how your system speaks to your security company’s monitoring centre. Now we’re not saying that wires are a bad thing, but if your home security is relying on old technology to keep your family and possessions safe, then we’d say it’s about time for an update. Most modern home security systems are wireless. Not only are these types of installations harder to tamper with but they have the added advantage of allowing you to manage your home security remotely.
Not connected to an alarm monitoring service
What happens in the event that your security alarm system is triggered? Is a signal sent to a security monitoring centre? In these times when criminal activity is more prominent than ever, it makes sense that your alarm system is monitored by a reputable security company. Most security companies use CCTV footage to assist them with monitoring security alarms. Ultimately, they depend on this footage and alarm signals to verify your safety. What’s more they can also notify the authorities for you, which is particularly useful if you’re away on business. Unfortunately, older security systems don’t include CCTV cameras and this is because they’re not compatible with older software. If you’re concerned that your home security system is out of date then get in touch with MA Security guards on 03 9339 3500. MA Security Guards has licensed security experts who can help you find the best security solution for your needs and requirements. We’re experienced in all types of security and can carry out a no obligation security assessment of your premises.