No matter what size your business, cyber crime has the ability to do it severe harm and even bring it down, which is why it’s so important in this day and age to keep your business data as secure as possible. But how do you go about this, what steps should you be taking? Here are 5 top tips to implement, which really work.
1. Teach your employees to be more security conscious
However much you trust your staff, it’s an unfortunate fact of life, that through no fault of their own, they could just be the cause of cyber crime. Although they’re not knowingly giving away important information, just by using poor passwords on their computers, they could be playing right into a hacker’s hands meaning the computers could be hacked in just a few minutes. You can hype up their computer security consciousness just by teaching them how to create more secure passwords. Typically these should either be longer or more complex and include a mixture of numbers, special characters, and upper and lower case letters. In addition the same password should never be used for multiple accounts.2. Computer protection
Give your computer added protection by- installing firewalls which is a similar to having a security officer in your building;
- installing anti virus software and be sure to keep it updated;
- and finally upgrade your operating system.