By the numbers, depression and anxiety is one of the major reasons which cost the global economy almost AUD 1.5 trillion per year in productivity. Despite security services and guarding is one of the world’s exponentially growing occupation, it is very surprising that little attention is given by researchers to mental health issues within the security industry.

Initiatives such as R U OK Day or World Mental Health day, people are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of Mental Health. Especially in the current world scenario, where uncertainty looms around the corner, it is crucial for everyone to be more self-aware of their mental health and be positive in such times. May it be losses, industries being shut due to the restrictions being enforced in different states of Australia, people are finding it difficult to cope up.
Mental Health in Security Industry
Various recent studies validate the facts that security industries disregard the importance of mental health concern amongst the security guards. Poor mental health is common amongst security guards is not only prevalent but also it is correlated to physical/ verbal aggression, anger, and hostility. MA Services Group drives various initiatives to provide mental health support to our team members so that we can foster the very traits to which they are highly vulnerable and protect them from being susceptible to it. Today, it is an alarming reality that the majority of industry owners are unaware of the same.
Do you feel that someone close to you or in your circle is not behaving as they would normally? Perhaps they are not just themselves. Trust your gut instinct and act on it.
Encouraging a conversation and discussing these changes which are hard to not notice, you could aid that family member, work colleague or even your friend. If things work out well, that person will know that you are someone who cares enough to ask.
For more information on how to ask a mate if they’re okay visit:
- Ask R U OK?
- Listen without judgement
- Encourage Action
- Follow up.
MA Services Group advocates Positive Mental Health Practices in the Security world
MA Services Group strongly advocates mental health discussions in an open and free manner and supports the idea of R U OK Day. Where it all starts with a conversation with your colleagues. It enables a sense of belongingness and nurtures a cohesive working environment.
MASG continuously exemplifies a Positive Work Safety culture in their business model. For MASG, the employees are an asset to their functioning. It is paramount that mental health campaigns are encouraged in the security industry more openly and vividly. We all can overcome the challenges by just actively listening to one another and sharing our stories.
It is all about moving towards a wellness model for the Security world. After all, they are the ones who are out there on the field tackling challenges by being the first point of contact.
References: Click Here.