Loss Prevention Management

Let our qualified Loss Prevention Team help secure your business. 

Our experienced team provides comprehensive Loss Prevention support, including electronic tagging and CCTV installation, Uniformed and Covert Officers, and client training programs to reduce shrinkage caused by employee errors


Loss Prevention Services

Loss Prevention Planning Services

MASG Loss Prevention Planning Services are designed to minimise the risk of theft, fraud, and other forms of loss within an organisation. These services involve the development and implementation of strategies and procedures to protect assets, reduce shrinkage, and enhance overall security.


Key components of MASG’s Loss Prevention Planning Services include:


Risk Assessment: Identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities within the organisation, including both internal and external threats.


Policy Development: Creating comprehensive policies and procedures that outline best practices for preventing loss, including guidelines for inventory control, employee conduct, and access management.


Training Programs: Educating employees on loss prevention techniques, awareness, and how to adhere to established policies to mitigate risks.


Surveillance and Monitoring: Implementing advanced surveillance systems, including CCTV and other monitoring technologies, to detect and deter potential threats in real-time.


Data Analysis: Utilising data analytics to track patterns of loss, identify high-risk areas, and measure the effectiveness of loss prevention strategies.


Incident Response Planning: Developing a response plan for handling incidents of theft, fraud, or other security breaches, including protocols for investigation and reporting.


Auditing and Reporting: Regularly auditing processes and inventory, and generating reports to assess the effectiveness of loss prevention measures and identify areas for improvement.


Collaboration with Law Enforcement: Working closely with local law enforcement agencies to address significant loss events and to enhance overall security measures.


These services help organisations protect their assets, reduce financial losses, and create a secure environment for employees and customers.

Covert Operatives

MASG Covert operatives are specialised security personnel who work discreetly to detect and prevent theft, fraud, and other illicit activities within an organisation. Unlike uniformed security officers, covert operatives blend in with the general public or workforce, making their presence undetectable to potential wrongdoers.


Key aspects of MASG covert operatives include:


Discreet Surveillance: Covert operatives conduct undercover surveillance to observe suspicious behaviour without drawing attention. They operate in various environments, such as retail stores, warehouses, or corporate settings.


Theft and Fraud Detection: Their primary role is to identify and prevent internal and external theft, fraud, and other dishonest activities. They often work in high-risk areas where such incidents are more likely to occur.


Evidence Gathering: Covert operatives collect evidence of wrongdoing through observation, documentation, and the use of hidden cameras or other surveillance tools. This evidence is crucial for prosecuting offenders or taking corrective action.


Employee Monitoring: In addition to monitoring customers, covert operatives may also observe employees to ensure compliance with company policies and to identify any internal threats.


Loss Prevention: They play a significant role in loss prevention strategies, helping organisations reduce shrinkage and protect assets without disrupting daily operations.


Incident Reporting: MASG Covert operatives document incidents thoroughly, providing detailed reports that can be used for internal investigations or legal proceedings.


Collaboration with Law Enforcement: When necessary, they work closely with law enforcement agencies to apprehend suspects and ensure that legal processes are followed.


Flexibility and Adaptability: Covert operatives must be adaptable, able to change their appearance or role to fit different environments, whether it’s blending in as a shopper, customer, or employee.


Covert operatives are essential in maintaining a secure environment while minimising the visibility of security measures, making them an effective tool in protecting assets and reducing losses.

Door Greeters

MA Services Group Door Greeters combine customer service with security functions to create a welcoming and safe environment for shoppers. Door greeters are positioned at the entrances of retail stores, where they serve as the first point of contact for customers.


Key aspects of MASG Door Greeter services include:


Warm Welcome: Door greeters offer a friendly greeting to every customer entering the store, setting a positive tone for their shopping experience.


Visual Deterrent: Their presence acts as a visible deterrent to potential shoplifters or individuals intending to engage in fraudulent activities. Knowing that someone is watching closely can discourage theft.


Customer Assistance: Door greeters assist customers with directions, store information, and answering basic inquiries, enhancing the overall customer service experience.


Loss Prevention: Trained to observe and recognise suspicious behaviour, door greeters play a crucial role in preventing shoplifting and other security incidents.


Bag Checks and Receipts: In some cases, door greeters may be responsible for checking customer bags or receipts upon entry or exit, ensuring that merchandise is properly purchased and accounted for.


Emergency Response: Door greeters are trained to respond to emergencies, such as medical incidents or security threats, by quickly alerting the appropriate personnel and managing the situation until help arrives.


Access Control: They can manage access to the store, ensuring that only authorised individuals enter restricted areas and monitoring for any unusual activity.


Crowd Management: During peak shopping times or special events, door greeters help manage customer flow, preventing overcrowding at entrances and exits.


Customer Feedback: Door greeters may also gather feedback from customers regarding their shopping experience, helping the store management to make improvements.


Loss Prevention Technology Integration: In stores with advanced security systems, door greeters may work alongside technology such as EAS (Electronic Article Surveillance) systems, responding to alarms or alerts triggered by potential theft.


MASG Door Greeter services help create a secure and welcoming shopping environment, enhancing customer satisfaction while effectively reducing the risk of theft and other security incidents.

Intelligence Analysts

MASG Intelligence Analysts play a critical role in safeguarding an organisation's assets by using data-driven strategies to identify, assess, and mitigate risks related to theft, fraud, and other forms of loss. These professionals analyse vast amounts of data to uncover patterns, trends, and potential vulnerabilities, enabling organisations to proactively address threats and improve overall security.


MASG Loss Prevention Intelligence Analysts:


Data Analysis: They gather and analyse data from various sources, such as sales records, inventory reports, transaction logs, and security system outputs, to identify irregularities and potential security risks.


Trend Identification: By examining historical data and current trends, MASG intelligence analysts can predict future threats and identify emerging patterns of theft or fraud, allowing organisations to stay ahead of potential losses.


Risk Assessment: They assess the likelihood and impact of identified risks, prioritising them based on severity and providing actionable insights to help organisations implement appropriate loss prevention measures.


Incident Investigation Support: Intelligence analysts assist in the investigation of theft, fraud, and other security breaches by providing detailed data analysis, which can pinpoint when, where, and how incidents occurred.


Reporting and Communication: They generate detailed reports and visualisations that communicate their findings to key stakeholders, such as loss prevention teams, management, and law enforcement, ensuring that appropriate actions are taken.


Collaboration with Loss Prevention Teams: Intelligence analysts work closely with loss prevention teams to develop and refine strategies, providing the data-driven insights needed to optimise security measures and reduce shrinkage.


Monitoring and Surveillance: They continuously monitor data feeds from various systems, such as point-of-sale systems and CCTV networks, to detect suspicious activity in real-time and coordinate with security personnel for immediate response.


Technology Integration: Intelligence analysts leverage advanced analytical tools and software, such as predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms, to enhance their ability to detect and prevent loss.


Supply Chain Security: In addition to in-store loss prevention, they may also focus on supply chain security, analysing data related to inventory movements, deliveries, and supplier transactions to identify potential vulnerabilities.


Policy Development and Improvement: Based on their findings, intelligence analysts contribute to the development and refinement of loss prevention policies and procedures, ensuring they are aligned with current threats and industry best practices.


MASG Intelligence Analysts are essential in modern retail and corporate environments, where data-driven decision-making is key to minimising losses and protecting assets. Their work enables organisations to proactively address threats, improve security protocols, and ultimately enhance profitability.

Electronic Security

MASG provides electronic security to protect assets, reduce shrinkage, and deter theft. These systems are crucial in creating a secure shopping environment and ensuring that merchandise and other assets are safeguarded against both internal and external threats.


Key components of electronic security in retail loss prevention include:


CCTV Surveillance: Closed-circuit television cameras are strategically placed throughout the store to monitor activity in real-time. They act as both a deterrent to potential thieves and a tool for investigating incidents after they occur. High-definition cameras with features like motion detection and night vision enhance coverage and effectiveness.


Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS): EAS systems use tags or labels attached to merchandise. When an item with an active tag passes through detection systems at store exits, an alarm is triggered, alerting staff to potential theft. These tags can be hard tags (requiring a special tool to remove) or soft labels that can be deactivated at the point of sale.


Access Control Systems: These systems restrict entry to sensitive areas such as stockrooms, offices, or cashier booths. Access control can be managed through keycards, biometric scanners, or PIN codes, ensuring that only authorized personnel can enter certain areas.


Point of Sale (POS) Monitoring: POS systems can be integrated with CCTV and analytics software to monitor transactions. This helps in detecting fraudulent activities like under-ringing or employee theft. POS monitoring can also flag suspicious transactions, such as frequent returns or voids, for further investigation.


Intrusion Detection Systems: These systems include sensors on doors, windows, and other potential entry points to detect unauthorized access after hours. When triggered, they can activate alarms, alert security personnel, and automatically notify law enforcement.


Remote Monitoring: Retailers can use remote monitoring services to oversee their stores from a central location. This allows for real-time surveillance across multiple locations, providing a broader scope of security and quicker response times to incidents.


Video Analytics: Advanced video analytics software can analyze CCTV footage in real-time to detect unusual behavior, such as loitering or unusual patterns that might indicate theft. It can also be used to count people, monitor queues, and analyze customer behavior, providing valuable insights beyond security.


Inventory Management Systems: These systems track inventory levels in real-time, alerting staff to discrepancies that might indicate theft. When combined with EAS and POS data, they provide a comprehensive view of stock levels and potential loss points.


Alarm Systems: In addition to intrusion detection, alarm systems can be connected to fire, smoke, or even temperature sensors, providing a comprehensive safety net that protects both people and merchandise.


Retail Analytics Software: By integrating various data points from sales, inventory, and security systems, retail analytics software can identify patterns of loss, helping to refine loss prevention strategies and improve overall store performance.


Electronic security systems are essential in modern retail environments, where they provide robust, scalable, and adaptable solutions to minimise loss, protect assets, and create a safer shopping experience for customers and employees alike.

Our Approach to a Seamless Loss Prevention Service Delivery

Education & Industry Awareness

We work closely with both our client's Management Team and their staff to analyse their data, identify key areas of high shrinkage and offer advice on how to best manage their merchandise.

We work with an advanced Retail Crime Intelligence software, Auror, that aims to connect people and organisations with timely intel to proactively reduce the impacts of crime in retail stores. Its purpose is to identify the people driving store theft-related loss and harm so that management can create solutions to minimise the crime.

We have a vast and proven background in this sector and we currently serve many blue-chip retail brands across Australia. Our longevity in the industry has provided us with a large established network and strong rapport with many retail associations.

Expertise Beyond The Shop Floor

We have an established guarding and security team who are trained, qualified professionals with multiple years of experience in the security industry. With their extensive and demonstrated experience, as well as a pool of expert analyst resources, we can quickly identify new shoplifting trends and mitigate recidivist offenders, to ultimately reduce shrinkage and create a more profitable store.

Combining Services to Increase Effectiveness

We believe clients can increase the effectiveness of their Loss Prevention initiatives by teaming our Covert Loss Prevention Officers with our Customer Service Security Officers (CSSO).

CSSOs are proactive, well-groomed and customer-focused professionals who are specifically trained in Predictive Profiling. Having our CSSOs working in conjunction with our LPOs will maximise return on investment by minimising shrinkage losses.

Choose Us

National Presence, Local Service

Our Retail & Loss Prevention Services expand across Australia, we cater to clients within all industries, and of all sizes, ensuring all are provided with the same first-class customer service.

The Retail Crime Intelligence Platform

Auror empowers the retail community to prevent crime, reduce loss, and make stores safer. Its real-time insights and analytics allow stores to make data-driven decisions, fast.  

Australia's Largest Covert Team

Our team of Covert Officers is the largest nationally, with over 200 staff members who aid in detecting shoplifting, fraud and other unlawful acts in retail establishments

Tailored Solutions to Meet Client Needs

We have successfully worked alongside both large retailers and as small boutique stores, providing advice on unique processes that will minimise shrinkage.


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What our Client's Say

The security guards introduce themselves every day, consistently walking between both stores as well as walking all the way through the stores front and back regularly. They are doing a great job in ensuring the team feel safe!
