Naturally then it makes business sense, but before you gaily hand over your premises keys to the first security company you see, here are some do’s and don’ts you might want to follow…
Do carry out background checks
Did you know that the vast majority of business thefts are committed by people close to your business? This may be someone who you employ, or someone who knows someone you employ. For this reason, because you are literally trusting them with your business, it pays to carry out background checks. How reliable is the company? Can you speak to other businesses they key-hold for? By carrying out the right due diligence, you’ll know for sure that you have a company or individuals you can trust.
Do ask what key-holding entails
The term ‘key-holding services’ can often differ from one company to another. So you need to make sure what you’re getting in return for your money. One security company for example may simply hold the keys and act as a first responder should an alarm be triggered, while another may include regular mobile patrols around the area and CCTV monitoring.
Do ensure they understand the mechanics of your alarm system
Naturally, if and when a business alarm does go off and it’s a false alarm, the key-holder needs to know how to reset it properly. Most security personnel are trained in handling the latest alarm systems, so they should have a good grounding in how to activate and de-activate them if the need arises – Well, that’s the theory anyway.
That’s the do’s and now for the dont’s…
Don’t be swayed by price
As mentioned earlier, some companies offer a lot more than simply holding keys during out of hours times. Chances are that this may cost more money. However, don’t dismiss them purely on the basis of cost in favour of a company that does less for less money. Instead weigh up the needs of your business security and opt for the company that best fits with those requirements.
Don’t hire a company that isn’t based in your area
This may seem obvious but when it comes to response, timing is everything. If the company is based say 30 minutes out of town, by the time they get there, a burglar intent on stealing could have been in and gone. On the contrary, by hiring a company that either has offices close by, or responders that can get there within 5-10 minutes, they’re far more likely to avert any problems, or catch the perpetrators in action.
So there you have it….the do’s and dont’s of key-holding services. If you’d like to find out more about key-holding for businesses then come and talk to MA Security. As well as providing security personnel for events, businesses, and individuals, we also provide alarm monitoring and key-holding services. Call us on 1300 020 406 for more information.