You have people working normal ‘out of hours’ shifts
Unfortunately, one of the biggest problems, namely stock loss, stems from internal theft, either by a current employee, or an old employee who knows your system only too well. Unfortunately, however vigilant you are, it’s just not possible for you alone to keep watch 24/7. Therefore if your team is working a graveyard shift, a security team can be your eyes and ears if you’re not around. In addition though, it isn’t just about protecting your assets. Security guards can also be used to assure better safety of those working, during twilight hours.
There has been a spate of localised robberies
If your workplace is on an industrial estate and that industrial area has been targetted recently, then it’s a good indication that you may be next. Maybe the area has limited security and as a result criminals are finding easy pickings. Whatever the reason, it’s advisable not to leave it to chance.
Holding more expensive equipment/goods
As businesses expand, they may need bigger and better equipment to cope with the day to day running, and/or feel the need to hold more stock. Either way your business can suddenly appear like a more valuable proposition to any would-be criminal. A security presence has the ability to deter anyone looking for a soft target while protecting your business assets.
You have daily visitors
As and when your business grows you may have more visitors from potential customers, suppliers, and members of the public. If you’re busy running your company it isn’t always possible to meet and greet everyone. A security company can provide a concierge service which carries out reception duties such as ‘meet and greets’, answering phones, and directing visitors. However they’re also responsible for overseeing all aspects of company security too. Hiring a security/concierge service takes the pressure off you while you can feel safe in the knowledge that your visitors are being treated both courteously and professionally.
Increased data infrastructure
When a business expands, one of the first things to expand with it is its computer systems. The issue is that as your computer network expands so too does its vulnerability for cyber crime. As well as providing physical security, a reputable security company will also be responsible for ensuring data protection, by advising on, and implementing, cybersecurity measures such as password vigilance, clean desk policies, and ‘need to know‘ data information.
You’ve moved to a larger premises
So you’ve just moved into a larger premises. That’s great, but you need to think about how you’re now going to ensure your premises is safe from intrusion and burglary. This may be down to hiring security patrols who can use their presence to act as a deterrent and while carrying out roving patrols can also spot any weaknesses in your perimeter area where criminals might consider breaking in.
Police have been slow to respond
If you’ve had incidents in the past where the police have been slow to respond, or you know that your local station has been experiencing cut backs, you might want to think about hiring a security company, just in case. When it’s your business/money on the line you don’t want to make it easy for criminals to steal from you.
If you’re in two minds whether to commit to hiring security guards for your business, then talk to MA Security. As well as handling the security for a wide variety of event’s, individuals, and businesses we carry out security risk assessments for companies just like yours. We’ll
take a look around and use our experience to highlight soft areas where you may be vulnerable. This way, at least you know what needs to be addressed and you have a better knowledge of just how secure your premises is. Give us a ring on 1300 020 406 and get better peace-of-mind.