MA Services Group Celebrates R U OK? Day: Supporting Mental Health Year-Round

At MA Services Group, fostering a supportive and connected workplace is a core part of our culture. This R U OK? Day, we joined hands with millions of Australians in highlighting the importance of mental health and reminding everyone of the power behind a simple question: “R U OK?”

Our team actively participated in raising awareness about mental health by hosting internal events across the country and conversations to encourage employees to check in with their colleagues. We believe that asking the right questions can create a ripple effect, helping to build a more compassionate and understanding workplace.

To provide ongoing support, MA Services Group is proud to have trained Mental Health First Aiders across the business, who are always ready to offer preliminary help to anyone struggling with their mental health. Along with our Employee Assistance Program (EAP), these resources ensure that every employee has access to guidance, counseling, and external support when needed.

R U OK? Day is a meaningful reminder of the importance of mental well-being, but at MA Services Group, we are committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment every day of the year. By encouraging open conversations and providing mental health resources, we ensure no one has to face their challenges alone.

Together, we can make a real difference by simply asking, “R U OK?” 💛

Let’s continue the conversation, look out for one another, and create a positive, healthy work environment for all.