What is VIP Protection And What Does It Entail?

Women security guard - MA Services GroupThe manner in which VIP protection has been depicted in films has lead people to believe that it’s a glamorous job that involves speeding off in fancy cars and protecting those individuals from highly violent criminals who are out to seek revenge. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While it’s true that that security personnel that offer VIP protection are indeed highly skilled and (usually) highly-experienced individuals, they aren’t usually in the public eye like their TV counterparts.

So what exactly is real-life VIP protection and what does it entail?

Let’s take a closer look…

As the name suggests

VIP protection means providing executive protection to anyone that may need it. The type of people that ask for VIP security protection may include celebrities, politicians, dignitaries, and business executives but may also include those who have had some sort of threat against them.

In essence, VIP security encompasses protection as a whole not just of the individuals themselves, but in many cases their families and assets too.

Security companies who offer this service need to have personnel who are skilled in a number of areas and what’s more it isn’t limited to men. Women also make good VIP protection officers because they aren’t big and bulky like your archetypal bodyguard might be and as a result, they can easily blend into the background anonymously.

  • Excellent planning ability

 One of the main traits a VIP protection officer needs is excellent planning ability. They need to have a good understanding of route planning, escape and evasion planning, and task planning, so should they have to plot a route for a specific visit they have the skills to carry out reconnaissance and plan every detail to ensure the utmost safety of all parties involved.

  • Good communication skills

Being able to convey clear and concise instructions requires good communication skills and this is something every VIP protection officer needs. They need to have the ability to communicate well at all times, even when under pressure. They may for instance have to quickly re-plan a route due to unforeseen circumstances and as such, need to be able to communicate their actions quickly and concisely to ensure complete clarity.

In addition to these traits a VIP protection officer is also trained in basic medical skills as well as firearm training and tactical response training.

At MA Security, we’re often the first choice for highly sensitive security roles because of our VIP experience. We’ve worked with everyone from celebrities to high rollers. To find out more about how we can help you, don’t hesitate to contact us on 1300 020 406 and talk to our knowledgeable friendly team.

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