Fence Hoppers, Thieves and Smugglers – All In A Day’s Work For A Professional Event Security Company

For those that attend festivals on a regular basis you’ll know that security guards are generally both the first and the last people you see. Firstly they usher you through the entrance on your way in and then two or three days later, they’ll escort your tired, sleep depraved and somewhat filthy body out again. However for the rest of the weekend if they’re well organised and do their job correctly, they simply fade into the background.

The thing is everyone seems to know about being frisked at the gates on the way in, especially if they’re carrying something they shouldn’t; whereas very few people know the massive effort that a skilled event security company will go to, making sure each and every reveller is behaving themselves and having a seriously good time.

With this in mind, here at MA Services Group we thought that it would be an idea to give you an insight into what our event security team have to deal with during a large scale event.

Fence hopping

Unfortunately fence hoppers go hand in hand with any large scale event and generally speaking there are two types. Firstly you have the festival goer who’s desperate to attend but for whatever reason hasn’t got a ticket. Or alternatively you have the type who are looking to sneak in with the sole intention of pilfering from others. For those who intend to hide their belongings where they thought they’d be safe inside a pillow case or rolled up in a sleeping bag, this is clearly a major concern. For this reason continual perimeter patrols and constant communication is necessary.

Dealing with smugglers

Okay so it probably wouldn’t be a proper event without the added presence of contraband. That means anything from NOS cannisters to tools, knives and of course drugs. Lots of drugs! They can be hidden in anything from Pot noodle tubs, Pringle tubes, tubs of hair gel and even loaves of bread. Even though security guards don’t have the jurisdictions of the police, all drugs found are confiscated and placed in an amnesty box.

Giving assistance

Aside from the important task of security, any event security company worth their salt will also look to give assistance. This means anything from giving directions to lost party-goers, to looking after their welfare, and includes checking up on those disorientated, staggering festival goers and of course responding quickly to any calls for assistance.

As you can see, there’s a lot more to event security than meets the eye!

If you’re seeking a highly skilled event security company to take care of your festival then look no further than MA Services Group. We’ve been in the industry for many years and as such have handled some of the largest events in the country. Why not contact us today on 03 9994 4107 to see just how we can help you.

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